An online English to Persian colloquial dictionary
"Please note that the sentences I have chosen for this dictionary are colloquial Persian to help understand the language in its spoken form. For formal/written Persian language please refer to other sources"

Note: Verbs in the list start with "to" such as "to eat" "to sit", etc. No sentence is provided with the verbs, but instead their usage in different tense with different pronouns is given.

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Pronunciation guidelines:

In dictionary

Sounds like


'a' in "bad"

'â' (aa)

'a' in "father" or "ball"


'e' in "bed"


'ea' in "sea"


'ai' in "rain"


'o' in 'carrot'


'oo' in "boot"


'ow' in "bow"


Glottal stop, "ta'sir" (effect) => "ta"-silence-"sir"


's' in "pleasure"


'ch' in German for "Bach"


Similar to 'k' but farther back in the throat


'v' in "victory"